Friday, July 27, 2007

New Hearing Implant

Here's interesting new technology that bypass hearing bones, cochlea and goes into auditory nerves.

I remember European countries do "brain-stem" implants that bypass cochlea but it was huge failure on that kind of implant.

Not everyone succeed using cochlear implants, why? Like in my case, I have severe ossified cochlea which was caused by Spinal Meningitis. Doctor and audiologist believed that my case with cochlear implant was a failure due to problems of ossified cochleas. In a result, I simply gave it up and proud to continue to be Deaf.

Now with newest technology, it can give hopes for the future Deaf/deaf people who have been in contact with spinal meningitis and other diseases that deformed cochleas. It can bypass cochleas and in direct contact with the auditory nerves. I am not sure if that new technology would benefit prelingual deaf people as it looks promising for postlingual deaf people. Maybe I could try again! :)

Here is the article from ScienCentral NEWS on New Hearing Implant.


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