Monday, February 20, 2006

5th Activation Appointment

I have called to reschedule to have mapping done at earlier time. That's three weeks after the fourth mapping session instead of waiting for 2 months. Went in last Friday the 17th.

Why? I have faded out all maps on the programs and that's the reason I have to go back again.

So audie had me remapped and this time she's giving me new P1 map, the same P1 map into P2, P3 and P4. P2 contains ADRO, P3 contains Autosensitivity, and P4 contains Whisper. All of these maps use SPEAK strategy. SPEAK strategies are the best for the time being.

I decide to put away music for now. I'd rather to focus all on environmental and talking.

I heard garage door opener gone whirring... It was really loud! Isn't it too loud for you hearies?! Huh?? LOL I heard people talking once again after my old maps had faded out quickly.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

UM's Cochlear Implant contains of 128 Electrodes

It would be available for humans within 4 to 5 years from now.


Advanced Bionics and Cochlear companies are ahead or behind UM's technology??? I wonder.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Surgeon, Dr. Charles Limb

Click on my surgeon's profile from The Department of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

Here's his feature article from Electronic Musician, Ears to You! (link) It's pretty long article, you will need to go over there to read it.

Really good article to read!

Listening Demo from UTD's Cochlear Implant Lab

It's just a good education tool for normal hearing folks.

Click for Listening Demos

Hattip: Hear Again blog